PPC Straregies to Follow in 2019 for a Successful Campaign
Here Are the Latest PPC Trends and Strategies to Follow for a Successful Campaign in 2019:
1. Mobile Preference
Over the last few years, we have seen that the number of mobile searches grows as compared to desktop searches.
2. Write for the Audience and Not for Keywords
Since the inception of online advertising platforms, keywords have been the primary feature when it comes to advertising on the search engines.
Most of the marketers used to focus on the keyword and not on the needs of their potential customers.
3. Voice Search Preparation
The use of voice search is increasing day by day, and it is predicted that by the end of 2020 more than 50 percent of the search will be done by voice.
There has also been significant growth in the number of voice-based devices such as Google Home, Siri, Alexa, and others.
4. Automation Along with Human Intelligence
Automation is not the future anymore, and it is already making inroads in paid advertising.
The search engines have already made significant improvements in the field of automation. For example, with the help of automation, Google is placing personalized ads that depend on user online activity, likes and dislikes, etc.
5. Diversification of Advertising Channels
It’s essential for every digital marketer to diversify their ad spend in the upcoming years.
It’s a great time for e-commerce companies to reach out to their potential buyers with high precision and personalization.
6. Video Marketing
Adding videos to your marketing campaign not only improves social engagement but also increases the placement of your advertisements on the search results page.
Even if you don’t want to spend your money on video marketing, you can still use YouTube for audience targeting. It is helpful when you have less budget, and the niche is very competitive.
7. Remarketing
Remarketing is a type of advertisement that shows ads to only those users who have already visited a particular site or webpage.
It can increase the overall conversion rate significantly because the existing user is more familiar with your brand as compared to a new visitor.
8. Branding
As the marketers are focused on the overall ROI of a campaign, they tend to forget that creating an urgency for product and brand loyalty as also equally important.
2019 will be the year where the businesses need to think about building a brand instead of just increasing their revenue and sales.
9. The Launch of New Ad Types and Features
Similar to the previous year, we will see new features being introduced in the year 2019. There will be several new tools, ad types, etc.
Location-based advertisements will be used in businesses and enterprises. We can also expect brands to use localization services to increase conversion based opportunities.
10. Using Negative Keywords
Even if you are an expert in PPC or a beginner, you should know about the term negative keyword. It plays a vital role in boosting the overall ROI of your ad campaigns.
Many businesses and marketers still ignore this which results in an unsuccessful marketing campaign.
Final Words
PPC campaign is the backbone of any business marketing strategy, although the tactics and strategy are constantly changing.
Some of the strategies are very useful for a specific brand or company, but for others, it might not be as effective.
It all depends on your business requirements and goals. So, it’s essential to test the latest marketing techniques one by one to find what’s best for your business.
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